Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We’re sorry.

This is a response to a multitude of emails that I have received in the past few days.
The emails are all criticizing the theme and name of a game (Mohawk mayhem) that we have developed during the spring of 2006. When choosing the theme and name of our game we never meant any offence to the Mohawks or any other native american tribe. Our inspiration was mostly old TV-shows and Comics, and our intention was not to promote hatred and/or racism.

We apologize to everyone that feels offended by our game, or its name.

This game was never intended to be published in any form, we made a choice to publish it on this blog, to promote the nebula engine and ourselves, that was a regrettable mistake.

Out of respect to the Mohawks and other native american tribes we are removing the downloadable files from this blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nie:wen (thank you) from this Mohawk. Its not often someone apologises for offenses toward us. You show yourself to be the bigger person.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for showing your sensitivity toward this subject. We as a people thank you.

7:37 PM  
Blogger The Marigold Trail said...

Thank you for the apology. Hopefully you now realise that those old comics and TV in which you found your inspiration are often themselves racist and and promote stereotypes. Hopefully, also, this experience will inspire an interest in the real lives, both past and present, of Native American nations.

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any political-correctness-fanatic can be offended by anything. TO A HAMMER, EVERYHING IS A NAIL.

The developers of this game have spend countless man-hours laboring over something they love to do. They made sacrafices in their life to create this game. THEY HAD NO RACIST OR BIGOTED INTENTIONS. Let everyone get it through their skulls--these students are not racist. They have aptly demonstrated their sensitivity to other's over-sensitivity. They meant no harm, let them make a game in peace.

It is truely pathetic that they were coerced to remove the game.

Apologize in advance for offending anyone if you deem necessary and bring the game you worked so hard to create back.

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

political correct or just plain correct? would a game made of nazis shooting jews be ok? or would the non intent of offending anyone be enough to justify the game? how about blacks being shot by KKK members? why the double standard? are native people supposed to simply be accepting of anything done to them where other groups have a legitimate claim to being offended? who gets to decide whats offensive except the ones offended?

the makers of this game have shown themselves to be more honorable persons than the above poster. they had no intention of offending but did inadvertantly. they apologised and removed the game. end of story. they are correct...nothing political about it.

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nia:wenkowa It's a noble thing you've done

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Good day
Who listens to what music?
I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton

11:48 AM  

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